Anacardium - Adoption is a split, both emotionally and genetically. The child is split from the original family and identity and graphed onto a new family and identity. The Anacardium child has a divided will, not sure if they are a devil or an angel. The Anacardium state can be caused by isolation and separation at birth, or after, leading to an extreme lack of confidence and a feeling of powerlessness. To compensate for this feeling, the person becomes aggressive and cruel. A keynote of the Anacardium state is a cold, hardhearted stare, which can be quite disconcerting to parents. The child's behavior may appear very normal except in their drawings, which may have violent themes, and they may be attracted to playing with matches. The child's dreams may also be violent, but they will rarely share their dreams with others.
Gallic acid - The Gallic acid state can be caused by the shock of a sudden separation from a primary caretaker. From that time onward, the child does everything possible to prevent being left alone. This child feels abandoned and reacts with manipulation and even violence in seeking protection from further abandonment. The child insists on being watched constantly and wakes up frequently at night to check that the parents are still nearby. This child won't stay alone for even a minute and is rude and abusive to those around them, even to friends. The child can be extremely jealous and threatening to siblings. Gallic acid children are often hyperactive and cannot focus on their tasks, or schoolwork.
Hura - Hura treats the condition of feeling unwanted and abandoned by one's nearest relatives, or friends. The child will feel that she doesn't belong, doesn't fit in. In addition, Hura children feel that they are disgusting as though they have leprosy and are, therefore, outcasts. Some Hura children will compensate for the feeling of being despised by showing contempt for others. The child will often have a skin disorder, such as eczema, or joint problems such as juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.
Lac humanum - Lac humanum is a remedy made from human breast milk. The child who needs it will feel completely alone, as if nobody is there for them. This is the experience of many adopted children who never receive bonding from the birthmother and who were never breastfed. The child feels a sense of isolation, even a sense of not inhabiting her own body. Others easily take advantage of her because she tends to their needs before her own.
Magnesium carbonicum - J. T. Kent wrote in his Lectures on Homeopathic Materia Medica: “I once had in charge an orphanage, where we had sixty to one hundred babies on hand all the time. The puzzle of my life was to find remedies for the cases that were going into marasmus (wasting away). A large number of them were clandestine babies. It was sort of Sheltering Arms for these little ones. The whole year elapsed, and we were losing babies every week from this gradual decline, until I saw the image of these babies in Magnesia carbonicum and after that many of them were cured.” Because of Kent's work, this is usually the first remedy thought of for adoptive children, or orphans.
Magnesium muriaticum - The Magnesium muriaticum child is a peacemaker. It's a good remedy for children whose parents are arguing or divorcing, or whose family members are engaged in conflict. The Magnesium muriaticum child wants everyone to be happy and harmonious. An adopted child who needs Magnesium muriaticum will be frightened whenever her parents argue, fearing that they will break-up and she will be abandoned, just as her birthmother had abandoned her.
Natrum muriaticum - Like the Anacardium state, the Natrum muriaticum state can be caused by isolation and separation at birth. It is a well-known remedy for babies who have been taken from their mothers and placed in an incubator at birth. The Natrum muriaticum child is easily hurt and protects herself with emotional reserve. There is an inner grief due to being left alone without adequate nurturing. These children are so closed it's hard to get to know them. They say little and reveal nothing about what is really going on in their lives. They are easily offended, and remember any insult for a long time - sometimes forever.
Pulsatilla - The Pulsatilla state can be caused by rejection of the child by the mother, or separation from the mother at an early age. The child feels unloved and unwanted. In her struggle to get enough love, the child will be clingy, weepy and manipulative. She has an insatiable desire for attention and reassurance, often asking, “Do you love me?”
Saccharum officianale - A remedy for those who did not receive enough love, or nurturing, in their early life. The child will usually have an extreme craving for sweets and may have a sugar imbalance problem such as hypoglycemia. She may also have extreme thirst. The child will compensate for lack of nurturing with two types of behaviors: firstly, she may constantly seek closeness with the parents, especially the mother, always wanting cuddles and wanting to sleep in the parent's bed. And secondly, the child may have behavior problems such as kicking and hitting other children, sibling jealousy, defiant behavior, or hyperactivity. Some children will compensate for a lack of nurturing by refusing any form of affection. These children have the same desperate need for love, but will refuse contact with the parents.
Not every adopted child will need one of these remedies. We always recommend remedies based on the totality of the whole person, not just one factor such as adoption. Any troubled child, whether adopted or not, will benefit from professional homeopathic care. The homeopath may consider the wounds of adoption as a possible etiology, and will determine if any of these remedies fit the picture.
Anacardium - Adoption is a split, both emotionally and genetically. The child is split from the original family and identity and graphed onto a new family and identity. The Anacardium child has a divided will, not sure if they are a devil or an angel. The Anacardium state can be caused by isolation and separation at birth, or after, leading to an extreme lack of confidence and a feeling of powerlessness. To compensate for this feeling, the person becomes aggressive and cruel. A keynote of the Anacardium state is a cold, hardhearted stare, which can be quite disconcerting to parents. The child's behavior may appear very normal except in their drawings, which may have violent themes, and they may be attracted to playing with matches. The child's dreams may also be violent, but they will rarely share their dreams with others.
Gallic acid - The Gallic acid state can be caused by the shock of a sudden separation from a primary caretaker. From that time onward, the child does everything possible to prevent being left alone. This child feels abandoned and reacts with manipulation and even violence in seeking protection from further abandonment. The child insists on being watched constantly and wakes up frequently at night to check that the parents are still nearby. This child won't stay alone for even a minute and is rude and abusive to those around them, even to friends. The child can be extremely jealous and threatening to siblings. Gallic acid children are often hyperactive and cannot focus on their tasks, or schoolwork.
Hura - Hura treats the condition of feeling unwanted and abandoned by one's nearest relatives, or friends. The child will feel that she doesn't belong, doesn't fit in. In addition, Hura children feel that they are disgusting as though they have leprosy and are, therefore, outcasts. Some Hura children will compensate for the feeling of being despised by showing contempt for others. The child will often have a skin disorder, such as eczema, or joint problems such as juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.
Lac humanum - Lac humanum is a remedy made from human breast milk. The child who needs it will feel completely alone, as if nobody is there for them. This is the experience of many adopted children who never receive bonding from the birthmother and who were never breastfed. The child feels a sense of isolation, even a sense of not inhabiting her own body. Others easily take advantage of her because she tends to their needs before her own.
Magnesium carbonicum - J. T. Kent wrote in his Lectures on Homeopathic Materia Medica: “I once had in charge an orphanage, where we had sixty to one hundred babies on hand all the time. The puzzle of my life was to find remedies for the cases that were going into marasmus (wasting away). A large number of them were clandestine babies. It was sort of Sheltering Arms for these little ones. The whole year elapsed, and we were losing babies every week from this gradual decline, until I saw the image of these babies in Magnesia carbonicum and after that many of them were cured.” Because of Kent's work, this is usually the first remedy thought of for adoptive children, or orphans.
Magnesium muriaticum - The Magnesium muriaticum child is a peacemaker. It's a good remedy for children whose parents are arguing or divorcing, or whose family members are engaged in conflict. The Magnesium muriaticum child wants everyone to be happy and harmonious. An adopted child who needs Magnesium muriaticum will be frightened whenever her parents argue, fearing that they will break-up and she will be abandoned, just as her birthmother had abandoned her.
Natrum muriaticum - Like the Anacardium state, the Natrum muriaticum state can be caused by isolation and separation at birth. It is a well-known remedy for babies who have been taken from their mothers and placed in an incubator at birth. The Natrum muriaticum child is easily hurt and protects herself with emotional reserve. There is an inner grief due to being left alone without adequate nurturing. These children are so closed it's hard to get to know them. They say little and reveal nothing about what is really going on in their lives. They are easily offended, and remember any insult for a long time - sometimes forever.
Pulsatilla - The Pulsatilla state can be caused by rejection of the child by the mother, or separation from the mother at an early age. The child feels unloved and unwanted. In her struggle to get enough love, the child will be clingy, weepy and manipulative. She has an insatiable desire for attention and reassurance, often asking, “Do you love me?”
Saccharum officianale - A remedy for those who did not receive enough love, or nurturing, in their early life. The child will usually have an extreme craving for sweets and may have a sugar imbalance problem such as hypoglycemia. She may also have extreme thirst. The child will compensate for lack of nurturing with two types of behaviors: firstly, she may constantly seek closeness with the parents, especially the mother, always wanting cuddles and wanting to sleep in the parent's bed. And secondly, the child may have behavior problems such as kicking and hitting other children, sibling jealousy, defiant behavior, or hyperactivity. Some children will compensate for a lack of nurturing by refusing any form of affection. These children have the same desperate need for love, but will refuse contact with the parents.
Not every adopted child will need one of these remedies. We always recommend remedies based on the totality of the whole person, not just one factor such as adoption. Any troubled child, whether adopted or not, will benefit from professional homeopathic care. The homeopath may consider the wounds of adoption as a possible etiology, and will determine if any of these remedies fit the picture.
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